Originally Posted by Ustwo
Actually I think the true 'far left' has been making a lot of headway in the democratic party. Which is why Bush is president today. I hope they keep moving left, way left.
The only trouble is that Bush and his fan club are so far to the right that just about anything looks leftist to them. Back during the campaign I had Bush workers tell me Reagan was far too liberal. Anyone that views Reagan as left of center has a grossly distorted notion of where center lies.
Just look at Iraq. If you're in favor of the war, you're a moderate conservative. If you're not entirely sure the war was such a hot idea, you're an unpatriotic leftist hippie who wants to get soldiers killed. The name calling from the right has stopped being seen as unusually childish and has become the norm. It's gotten to the point now where if people don't hide their liberal views, they're shunned.
It's a disgraceful situation, and frankly conservatives who participate in it should be ashamed. Somehow they've managed to trick the american people into thinking that petty insults and petulant name calling (freedom fries ringing any bells here?) are acceptable forms of political discourse. I, for one, will be happy when adult behavior resurfaces on the political scene.