OJ Chase- My mom was working at the hospital at the time and I was trying to watch TGIF when they cut in with the chase
Ok city - I was in jr. high and we had just got our first computer. I was showing it off to one of my friends and we missed the bus, on the way to school the radio announced it.
9/11 - I was working in a hotel at the time as a dishwasher I had just clocked in when someone ran into the kitchen to tell us to come see whats on tv. People came from their rooms to watch with us..
Beginning of first gulf war - I was pretty young and was in some program at school were we basically played all day, my mom came to pick me up and said we had gone to war I didn't really understand at the time.
Columbine - I was a freshman in high school and they had a lockdown the rest of the day till we were able to go home.