Originally Posted by Mantus
- alan I would apresiate that you stick to the topic and refrain from making up fase acustaions and slander against me. I am not codeming the US. I am stating that other will. People tend to generalize. I am talking about simple PR. I certainly didn't make a claim that terrorism began after the invasion of Iraq.
My "accusations" are not false. Your words:
We commited crimes, for us it's not a big deal because we arnt the victims. We think we can sweap them under the rug and forget about it, and we will.
This isn't you saying what other people think, this is you saying that we (America) committed crimes. Then you accuse the whole country of trying to sweep these supposed crimes under the rug.
It's always a multi front war. The US has an image problem and it's rather serious. You can't just allow the people to use a war as an excuse to do anything they want. People need to be held accountable. If they are not held accountable our justice system and our image is tarnished. This is a serioius issue.
I agree that people need to be held accountable when they do something wrong. But there is no proof of wrongdoing. War doesn't excuse everything, but it does excuse some things. Normally, shooting people is considered murder, but in war it's generally accepted.
Many people don't understand that this isn't a "norman" war. Terrorists are playing with a total different rule set than we are, even on our worst day. But the left seems to think that we should focus more on potential wrongdoing in what the US is doing than the blatant evils being committed by terrorists. And I think that much of the reason for this is because the left is more worried about discrediting the Bush administration than it's worried about how people are being treated. And telling about heads are getting chopped and mosques being blown up by terrorists doesn't help them in that effort, but making suspect claims about war crimes does.