Originally Posted by Jesus Pimp
Why is there a need for the trinity? Why does "God" want us to believe in 3 aspects of him? What's the point of it?
the best answer i have heard for this is to think about the Trinity as history rather than concept. God at a point in time creates the world, and then enters human history to redeem that world, and then indwells in the world as our history continues to unfold. Thus, Creator, Christ, Spirit...
This may not sound all that different than simply asserting the trinity, but focus in on the time markers, and perhaps it makes a little more sense. The God that is unified in nature and will is expereinced in radically different ways across time because of these specific histories of encounter.
The other good asnwer i've heard is relational trinitarianism...that God is unified and unifying, but is also fundamentally relational, and does not exist isolation. From God's very nature as relational, we draw our pattern for human love.