Originally Posted by alansmithee
Are you interested in getting opposing viewpoints, or just validation of yours? Is this supposed to be yet another liberal circle jerk thread where you all congratulate each other over how much better you are than those intolerant, hateful, warmongering conservatives? Because that's all I'm getting.
I would love to hear a reason why the wording is ok. So far all excuses are debunked and this is not a Lib. circle jerk thread.... I am honestly calling all the supporters of the Rights "war on legislating judges" and asking why you can support this but Schiavo's case was rightfully ok to fight.
Originally Posted by alansmithee
You seem to immediately want to classify his decision in the most negative light possible. The father said he didn't practice in the nude? OK, sure let's just run our legal system on the honor system now and see how well that works. And does that mean those he associate with don't practice in the nude? You seem way to ready to dismiss other reasonable options in favor of one that proves your point-that being that conservatives are all evil hatemongers.
I am not trying to say you are hate mongers, I am trying to very honestly ask why this is ok and so far all I get is:
- Wicca insinuated as a cult,
- a fringe religion that people change like socks,
- compared to Heavens Gate
- then the press article itself was challenged
and now.....
- Bush bashing as the sole reason for this thread.
- and another who seems to want to use the "nudity" issue even though it has been shown where the father says he doesn't practice in the nude already.... in the articles and in posts.
As for the nude part I already covered that in the very post you quote.........
Again, someone who obviously has not read the article where the father says he does not practice in the nude..... And if that were so offensive and the sole reason why didn't the judge put that into wording???????
Most Judges and law clerks (esp in a city the size of Indy) have some form of legal training and should know how to word rulings to express their true intent...... that being the case..... the true intent ( prohibits him and his ex-wife from exposing their child to "non-mainstream religious beliefs and rituals.") and it is very obviously a thumbing of the nose at the 1st Amendment.
Originally Posted by alansmithee
And as for the Bush bashing, you didn't explain why his name had to be brought up. If i'm talking about a particular position of the left that I don't agree with, or a isolated incident, I don't immediately work to tie in Clinton (either one), Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean, or any of a number of liberal/democrat leaders. But liberals have to tie every thing wrong that happens in the world to Bush. You are starting to become like Confederate southerners-fighting battles that not only were lost long ago, but ones where the poeple have all moved on. You even try the same revisionist history. I can just see years from now parents telling their children about how in 2000 and 2004 the evil red-staters stole the elections from the noble Al Gore and John Kerry, when everyone else will remember these people about as much as Jefferson Davis is remembered today (and in the same light). This hatred of Bush has tainted anything liberals do or say now.
Again I did cover "this Bush Bashing" in the very post you quote and posts before it........ However again it seems that another Righty would rather this be about Bush bashing then answer the question...... or grasp at the "nude" part and believe that is the reason for this to be ok.
BTW, Limbaugh, O'Reilly and so on NEVER NEVER bring Clinton or Kennedy or any Dems name up in issues totally unrelated to them????

I guess it is ok for them but not for me?
Again, I have been to my share of Wiccan events, worships, celebrations, parties and so on and I have yet to see any nudity

So to argue that nudity is commonplace is not true nor based on any foundations other than some quick searches and a sentence in the article saying that SOME Wiccans practice in the nude.
It's the same as basing a judgement on Christianity by saying "they handle snakes" or "speak in tongues" or "judge others with prejudice even though Christ preached love and understanding, tolerence and NOT to judge anyone." But the judge phrased his/her ruling "The parents shall not expose their child to non-mainstream Christian beliefs." with no other rationale or reasoning explicit in the ruling.
Would that be ok?????? It's the same thing? I have a feeling like I stated before..... the Religious Right and GOP would be calling for the judge's head, getting 24/7 media coverage and doing all they could to get that ruling changed.
What's the revisionist history..... where is it in this thread??????? If you can prove ANYTHING I have said wrong then I'll accept your criticism of me.... otherwise you are personally attacking me fraudulently and with malice because you cannot reasonably argue the topic of this thread.... but instead choose to rehash this "Bush bashing" and this "us against them" mentality that would allow this ruling to set a precedent and affect other parents the right to teach their children whatever religion they so desire.
You want so much to discredit or tear down this thread because the Right has yet to come up with one solid argument as to why this is ok ..... or to disprove the hypocrasies that Schiavo's case was "ok to hound judges about legislating from the bench" however this judge legislating from the bench is OK and right on..........
You Righties are even showing that you only read in this thread what you want and not the whole thing .... or even the article for that matter.
Which is it judges can't legislate from the bench or they can??????
Which is ok for you Righties?
Or are there "circumstances where it is ok for a judge and not ok for a judge to make new laws with prejudice?"
Which is it........ it's ok to worship how the Religious Right and the government allows or does the 1st Amendment give the blanket that it was meant to and NO GOVERNMENT BRANCH (LOCAL, STATE OR FEDERAL) HAS THE RIGHT TO PASS LEGISLATION ON WORSHIP???????
I thought the Right was supposed to be "the guardians of Democracy and the Bill Of Rights" and yet NOT 1 ON HERE CAN TRULY DEFEND THIS JUDGE'S RULING EXCEPT TO
- insinuate Wicca as a cult,
- a fringe religion that people change like socks,
- compare Wicca to Heavens Gate
- then the press article itself was challenged
- Use the "Bush/GOP bashing" excuse as the sole reason for this thread.
- and yet a third who seems to want to use the "nudity" issue even though it has been shown where the father says he doesn't practice in the nude already.... in the articles and in posts.
And yet still silence on why this judge can make laws from the bench but Schiavo's judges were and all these other judges that do are a disgrace and need to be replaced.
Why do you not answer the questions I pose but instead resort to "Bush bashing" excuses and attacks on me?