Originally Posted by Acetylene
It is his responsibility to learn to speak your love language; the reverse is also true *snip* It does you no good for him to sit there, loving you desperately, but never saying a word.
Well said, Acetylene. Twinkle, maybe a good idea for you and your man (as a small pipette of water for this little match) would be to read "The Five Love Languages" book, or "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" (actually quite effective in changing gender-ingrained communication patterns).
Twinkle, it sounds like you (and this thread) really opened a chasm in him, and I am SOO very glad you were able to communicate on this issue... as much as you downplay it, we all know how important it is for someone to make an effort to meet you where your needs are. It is crucial that your partners knows (or is willing to learn) exactly how to make you feel most loved and adored. You are on your way!! Let us know how it goes.