Originally Posted by guthmund
For what it's worth, I never really got the vibe from Oscar that he was pissed off because he lived in a trash can. I imagine it was the people banging on his lid just to say hi. Maybe they could do a very special episode devoted to Oscar's anti-social behavior.
Ahhh - so Oscar and I really are in the same camp -- it's people that suck - not the living environment. Are we sure it's not the living environment that makes for this attitude.. He could be a hermit living on park avenue a lot easier than in a trash can on Sesame Street....
I really think oscar and his issues (though us crabby types don't really think it's much of an issue) is way more of a story than the Cookie Monster and his cookies, unless of course you'd want to talk about CM's annoying habit of that sugar induces babbling 0f Cooooookie-- Cooooooookie...