As far as oil is concerned, it isn't enough to sit back and pretend that scientists will figure it out. Favorable market conditions don't necessarily mean a damn thing when it comes to scientific breakthroughs. Ironically, though, i can think of a few things where the interests of the market are decidedly anti-breakthrough. Oil is one of them, another is aids research- i have no doubt that the market would prefer nothing more than to give people expensive drug cocktails for the rest of their lives rather than come up with a cure or a vaccine. That isn't to say that it won't happen, just that the market is better off without such an advancement. The market also ensures that the mass media will continue to use content as a excuse for ad revenue as opposed to using content that is actually meaningful in any way.
I'm interested in your idea generational bootstrap theory. As i've always understood it, most proponents of capitalism claim that everyone has the same opportunity, not every set of genes has the same opportunity.
I realize that life isn't fair, but you must realize that capitalism, as we practice, is far from equitable in terms of benefits and access. There are probably a great many people in this country whose quality of life would dramatically increase if they were relocated to cuba.