Originally Posted by Zeraph
Faith can be good and bad just like everything else, it depends on how you apply it. If you "apply" it to saying/feeling "Everything will turn out well no matter what I do" you may learn a hard lesson. But if you use it to have strength and determination in knowing that in the big picture things will turn out well (in a spiritual sense, but not always financially for instance) but you still have to work at it, then that'd be a good way.
I know that wasn't very clear, faith can be hard to explain. Real faith is really more of an outlook on life rather than an excuse for doing things.
I think I understand what you're saying. My own thinking about faith is that the word has different shades of meaning for different people, like many other words. I don't think it means believing in something without evidence or thought, but it is the feeling that there is a chance for a very positive outcome, and after much thought, it is worthwhile to pursue .
Positive faith is feeling hopeful and thinking plausibly, while acknowledging that we do not know for sure.
And this, from an atheist.