Well I'm a virgin and I have no girlfriend. I'm afraid masturbation is all I got and it's been very good to me.
I will say I have never been asked such a question by anyone I know though. If they did ask me I might just give them a "Wtf?" face and walk away shaking my head...Unless they said it jokingly..then I'd tell them "Great! 8 times a day!" or something equally stupid like that.
EDIT: After reading the above reply I just realised I have been asked a similar question once. I was at a table with 3 girls and a dude I know and I made a comment about how one time the naughty channel came in perfectly on my television and made a joke and said "So I was like...hmm..no ones around...

" Then they were like "You jacked off?!" and they got all hot & bothered and started asking me a bunch of stupid questions trying to get details. One girl actually asked "Does it feel good when you nut?(cum)"
??? No! No it feels terrible I don't know why I do it so often! I'm so cruel to myself! The things people ask