I was sitting at the computer, when the picture suddenly went funky - the screen 'dropped' about half-way, reso enlarged, and the picture was no longer flat, it was stretched/curved towards me at the bottom.
(still doing it, it's not a windows problem, it does it after reboot pre os-load).
it has been hot in here the past few days, and it was turned on all day (~30 degrees celcius in the apartment).
it's turned off now, i turned it off immediately and tried once, during a reboot, about an hour later.
i've tried a bit of googling, not finding anything *yet*, still looking though.
I guess I'm just in a panic more than anything, as I love that monitor and hope she's not dead
anyone ever seen/heard of what i describe?
need more info?
(ps) I notised the picture was 'shaky' the past week or so, a degauss did not fix it ... but that could also just be an electrical problem, as the bf's monitor (a tft) has been doing the same, and we have a LOT of electricity in this living room, a few computers and stuff, and we know our wiring is kinda messed up too.
not sure if the shaking was a sign it was going to die, or not.