Originally Posted by moosenose
Because that's EXACTLY what some have done in the past... They've moved from what is considered "free speech" to what is considered "advocating criminal activity". Just ask the Secret Service...
You project an extraordinary defense of a flawed status quo, since it is clear that it is unsustainable fiscally, and from it's need for ever increasing quantities of petroleum that can be extracted, refined, and replaced with newly discovered and recoverable reserves. Clearly, the new discoveries are not coming close to replacing the anual draw down rate of (365 X 84 million) 30.6 billion bbls. No new technology that is practical in terms of ramp up rate, energy efficiency, economic viability, or adaptive to the current designs of motor vehicles, or refineries has been planned or implemented. Potential wealth that could be diverted into government assisted "crash programs" are instead spent on military budgets and on the rising cost of buying foreign petroleum and manufactured goods in order to maintain the status quo. Until now, the solution has been to print more paper money. That option will end, probably sooner than anyone anticipates, and probably more abruptly than the four year, 40 percent dollar vs. euro decline. The numbers no longer add up to make a case for the sustained growth of an economy financed by printing U.S. fiat script to pay for 12.5 million bbls of foreign oil per day, (12.5 X $50 X 365= $228 billion) plus $425 billion in foreign goods each year. The federal spending deficits and the collosal military budget, all paid for with the same fiat, hastens the coming currency collapse.
There were no major new petroleum discoveries in 2003. The market will adjust when oil production peaks. That is the mid-point. Each barrel pumped from the ground after "peak oil", will be regarded as irreplaceable, and priced accordingly. The U.S. is not paying for it's current imports, at current low prices. What will prevent lower consumption and resultant slower growth and a declining U.S. GDP, as trade and budget deficits become more difficult to finance as they accumulate?
In the past, this has also transpired,
Article Last Updated: Friday, May 27, 2005 - 11:01:14 AM PST
The neurobiology of mass delusion
Perceiving the realities of a changing environment
By Jason Bradford
......So when wondering why so many people just "don't get it," (oil depletion, overshoot etc.) whether they are your local politician or great aunt, realize there is a physiological mechanism that may preclude having a rational discussion on certain topics. The truth can only be pushed so far before rebellion occurs, hence the phrase, "To kill the messenger." Before many folks can learn and incorporate the lessons of ecology, most could use the services of a good shrink. Someone to call them on their bull and get them to face their faulty, contradictory, and destructive thought patterns.
I fear the world has neither enough shrinks nor enough time to wait for the long process of psychotherapy to work. Furthermore, enshrined institutions embody dangerous mental models within their various charters, goals and mission statements. If anyone happens to have a crisis of confidence, these institutions work to reassimilate the disenchanted, quietly dismiss them, or destroy their reputations. Of course these are the worst possible responses. As Jared Diamond explains in his book Collapse, <b>history is replete with societies that failed to question their own assumptions and create new paradigms. Instead of making life possible in a changed environment, they are part of archeology's trash heap.</b>
Those who know about "peak oil," monetary debts, climate change, militarism, overpopulation, corporatism, soil loss, aquifer depletion, persistent organic pollutants, deforestation, etc., realize we are at a major historical juncture now. Since we know it is past time to change our culture, the question we have is whether most people will bother to listen and create the necessary transition in a rational, nonviolent manner................