Originally Posted by host
Like it or not, earlier reactions to my call for discussion of left leaning alternative economic systems, triggered several hostile responses, including one that possibly accuses me of criminality. I was intrigued by roachboy's unusual, but accurate observation that the MSM omits any coverage of capitalism's shortcomings and of it's failures. No coverage exists to at least examine whether there might be a "better way".
The reason there isn't any discussion of a so-called better way is because there isn't one. Any attempt at a non-capitalist economic system has left its people far worse off than capitalism ever has. And there is nothing now indicating how it would be any different. Wanting to discuss the viability of a non-capitalist economic system is the same as wanting to discuss the validity of intelligent design in a science class. Both are based on faith with no real evidence supporting either.
Also, we already don't have a pure capitalist/free market system. The government adjusts where need be, for the most part. Some governments adjust more, some less-but all western countries and developed nations are essentially capitalism based. Arguing how the system needs tweeked is reasonable, arguing for it's elimination is irrational and delusional.
Also, the above post by Powerclown is truly brilliant. It should be stickied, or somehow saved.