Originally Posted by raeanna74
Tantrums should not "sometimes" work. The fact that there are many more tantrums during the times when he is caring for her shows that there are some problems with his method. No one is perfect but SOMETHING is wrong with his choices.
I will agree with you that he shouldn't be a pussy and know when she is trying to manipulate him. Letting children do their own thing and being a push-over are two different things. He needs to learn that children having tantrums usually are not in distress.
Originally Posted by raeanna74
I have also seen several of the students that I was friends with in high school. One is a computer technician that is hired out to other companies for his expertise, one is a veterinarian, one is a biologist currently in Papua New Guinea, one started his own business and has had to move to a third facility because of the rapid growth over the years... ALL of whom had VERY strict homes and their parents were NOT their buddies. Being your child's buddy does not alone ensure their success in today's economy.
And I have seen kids from respectful, loving homes become confident, successful people before they are old enough to drive. I'm not going to say that either of us is right or wrong. I'm going to groom my children to become adults at around the age of 13. You may choose different parenting methods or goals, but both of us will be right in choosing a way and philosophy that is natural and defensible for us.