I agree with Rlyss to an extent. Those "interviewers" were really more interested in interrogating, which is indeed, pretty unprofessional.
On the other hand, that guy is so fucking stupid, I believe they can call him an idiot on television and get away with it. I wonder if he has any idea, any fucking clue, what would happen to his life if there was no military. This country would be claimed by some other nation in seconds. He would be learning to speak Russain or Aribic or whatever language the first country to get here would be. Calling soldiers "scumbags" for serving the country is just plain ridiculous, for any reason, period. I think that is the reason these interviewers trampled all over him without giving him a chance. They realize there is no possible reason to hate soldiers that will ever make an ounce of sense. What he's saying is about the equivalent of spitting on your friendly Walmart door greeter because you think Walmart is taking over the world. If you have a problem with Walmart, you take your problem to the people that make decisions, not the 65 year old guy handing out stickers to children.
I work for the Army. My sister and several other family members are enlisted. To hear this guy talk disgusts me. He has openly disrespected and insulted those that would die for his safety... and the amazing part is, they're still going to do it anyway. I can only hope that one day he'll be smart enough to realize this, and perhaps, who knows, even be the slightest bit thankful.