When I have raised these issues, the response from Bush regime supporters is:
1.) We can do anything we want, the U.S. makes the rules. No international court is recognized to have jurisdiction over illegal acts of American officials.
2.) Charges of war crimes are only prosecuted on the losers by the winners.The only determination of commission of war crimes is made by the winning side. The only difference between war criminals and righteous warriors is losers vs. winners.
3.) The offenses that were categorized by U.S. prosecutors at Nuremberg as war crimes have been revised or re-categorized over time, and are not relevant or comparable to today's events.
4.) you are always bashing Bush, get a life, the article that you posted is too long, why don't you post your own opinion; anyone can do google searches and cut and paste.....the sources you use are from sites that are leftie/not credible, the author of the article you quote is a leftie, so his opinions aren't valid. Amnesty International is out to get the U.S. administration, look at all the good that the U.S. has doone in the world, and you have to expect that freeing the Iraqi people from a brutal dictator who gassed his own people will take time and be messy, but the Iraqis are of course, better off.....
Have I missed any?