The question of course is are they just the run of the mill Wiccan types or is there more to it beyond what the story says.
I see most Wiccans are basicly harmless people trying to get back at their Christian parents.
There are Wiccans, associated with specific Wiccan Traditions such as Gardnerian Wicca, who practice ritual 'sky-clad' (naked - clad only by the sky). One reason (there are several) is the belief that magick (and the flow of energy) is best worked when the body is as close to its natural state as possible. This work is taken very seriously; anyone who tries to join a sky-clad working group for the wrong reasons (believing sex to be an end result, for example) will find themselves disappointed and, probably, out on their ear very quickly!.
Perhaps it was something like this which turned a few heads. Not a big deal to you and me, but I'm sure how such activities could be interpreted as not healthy for a child.