I think I can explain the 'light tunnel' thing in my case, anyways.
I was four months pregnant, and had been told the fetus has died.
Fast forward three weeks when my body finally decides to expel the baby. (they told me it was better to let nature take its course than intervene medically- I was too devastated & in shock to defend myself I guess)
I was hemorrhaging badly and I had lost a lot of blood. Gushing is the term here. I had been rushed to emergency & given fluids intervenously until they could get me into surgery. They gave me drugs to contract the uterus & help stop the blood flow.
A nurse was helping me up (I can't remember why) and I saw everything going black in my vision, from the outside in, in slow-motion. I tried to fight it & couldn't. The next thing I know I come to and she has a wet washcloth on the back of my neck, and I'm sitting with my head between my knees. She notices me coming to, and tells me I fainted.
"I fainted...oh, I'm so sorry..." I say....and proceed to black out again.
I realize now the 'tunnel' that had formed in my vision was probably from my blood being diverted from my capillaries (including retinal ones) to the major organs, as ones body will do when traumatized.
It was a very horrible feeling...I struggled to retain my consciousness but couldn't. I realised then I might die & all I wanted was 2 things....
1 - Not to die
2 - my husband & kids, who were two hundred miles away at that moment.
It taught me life is very very fragile...and to tell your loved ones that you love them while you can.
I am not bound to please thee with my answers.
William Shakespeare