Off topic but still an important point:
Originally Posted by Robaggio
The song is a remix of a video game song- don't worry, it's public domain. Remixes can't be copywritten as the remixer doesn't own the original rights.
There are at least two copyrights that you have to worry about
: the music and the performance. The music is copyrighted under the writers name. But when someone remixes a song ... or covers a song in the case of your sample ... they are usually protected under a performance copyright.
So remixes and covers are still copyrighted just using a different form.
However, your posting the sample here would most likely be protected under the fair use law. You are asking a question about a song to provoke discussion.
On topic:
These are similar to what you might like
Mannheim Steamroller: Fresh Aire
Loreena Mckennitt
Or go to the library and check out Renaissance music or Music from the Middle Ages.
Edited becaus I forgot my UNQUOTE statement.