Originally Posted by Ustwo
Originally Posted by splck
I'd go to Bali. Being scared to go to a non-western country because of this event is more paranoia than common sense.
The moral of the story: lock your baggage.
I wouldn't call it being scared or parinoid but common sense.
If you go to nations with kangaroo courts don't be surprised if your trip is longer than expected.
Ustwo, I'm not sure what you mean when you say kangaroo courts. Being from Australia and the kangaroo being our mark so to speak, I'm confused with this expression.
I think it could be seen as both common sense and paranoia.. the bottom line being that if you have not committed a crime, you can still be in trouble.
I responded in the Australia thread that if you lock your bags and take pictures of said bags before you boarded with a time/date stamp.. then that could possibly keep you out of this type of trouble. Last thought here though was that if the pictures would stand up as evidence in
their court system...