What about the right of people to live in a safe environment, where people follow the law. What about the right to take your kid to the beach and not have to worry about DRUG TRAFFICKERS with 9 lbs. of drugs in their bag!
Changing the law would be the way to go about it, not sending in spec ops to break someone out of jail and violate anothers countries sovereignty. What your suggesting is starting a war. The law is the law, you can't go around saying peeople should declare war on other countries because they don't agree with your beliefs. Thats what terrorists do.
Are you advocating using special forces to enter another country, attack a government facility, kill innocent soldiers whos only crime is to fight for their country, and help a convicted drug trafficker out of jail?
There are no absolute rules of conduct, either in peace or war. Everything depends on circumstances.
Leon Trotsky