I believe that Schapelle is innocent too, and I believe that she was wrongly accused, HOWEVER it wasnt the bali people who put her there it was the government. Alot of families rely on tourists to come to their country in order to live, and I feel that we should not punish the bali PEOPLE for something that they too had no control over.
I am not going to stop going to bali all together, but i will remember to put locks on my bag etc. etc.
There are alot of incosistances with the trial, and we are all angry at the decision, but we have to realise that this is how they operate in their country and we have to accept it. The lawyers will not stop fighting this until schapelle is home, and we just have to trust them.
Anyways that is my opinion. like it or lump it. but we shouldnt punish the families of bali because of the governments mistakes.