Mr. Mephisto,
I thought I clearly limited my statements to research that produces commercial products. If taxpayers fund research for commercial products, such as cures/medications, then we certainly are entitled to a concession on the price of the merchandise or a return of our initial investment.
This is not "I," it is about "we" since we funded the research in the first place. Your position is insulting to me since you are otherwise advocating that taxdollars be utilized to fund research and then corporations reap the profits from the commercial goods we funded the R&D on.
How you warped that into support for cheaper tickets into state parks or cheaper cigarattes after we funded research into determining their harmful effects is beyond me.
I think you need to clarify how you consider opposition to corporations profitting from taxpayer funded research, at the expense to the taxpayer, a greedy "I" statement before you ask me to clarify any more of my statements.
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