This boy could have had no idea how recording his minor irritation at the guy being in his home may save other lives from this man. At least there was justice served and he had no idea how he would offer up the means for that to happen.
This is actually a lesson in how we should trust our instincts. The boy felt the man needed to leave. If he had never let the man in then perhaps he wouldn't be dead today.
Originally Posted by hrandani
It's funny, because earlier today I was thinking about how my livejournal will prove if nothing else that one day I existed, had thoughts, dreams, and fears, even if nothing else survives. Kind of like this post. A depressed thought, sure, but it's true.
A depressed thought? Just the fact that you had dreams, thoughts and fears has it's own value.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.