Closer - Jude Law, Natalie Portman, Clive Owen, Julia Roberts.
Not a bad picture. I liked hearing Julia Roberts talk about getting fucked and swallowing cum. I liked seeing Natalie Portman in almost nothing. I think I liked Clive Owen's acting, but I'm not sure yet.
I am convinced that Jude Law is gaining more and more disrespect as an actor in my eyes. As I was watching Law in the silly crying scene in the doctors office, I couldn't help but be reminded of Joseph Fiennes, an actor that I loathe, because he is so very obviously bad as an actor, and he cries in almost every movie. Law played the pussy, and I couldn't feel sorry for him. I didn't. Some will argue that we weren't supposed to feel sorry for him, but I disagree. I believe it was the writers and the directors intent that we feel bad for Law's character, but I find it nearly impossible, most probably because of Jude Law.
I liked parts of this movie, but not the whole thing. As such I give it a 6/10
I have faith in a few things - divinity and grace
But even when I'm on my knees I know the devil preys