Originally Posted by Mondak
I don't think your last point was supported or proved at all and I won't address things like that.
The last point was a rail against the "profit over people" approach and, by its very nature, cannot be proven. Any more than your opinion that "market dynamics" is a better framework for the majority of scientific/industrial progress. You have your opinion. I have mine.
If you honestly believe that the government should not spend any money on anything, then I respectfully think you are deluded. I could list things that have benefited from state sponsored research like car safety (do you honestly believe manufacturers would have spent money on crumple zones, seat belts, air bags, speed limiters etc?), research into proving industrial waste (such as dioxins) were harmful, research into diet & nutrition, into cancer etc. The list is almost endless.
Yet, your position is "if someone can make a buck from it, they will; so we should all sit back and die until the market dynamics make it such that we have no option but to pay a private enterprise for a solution/treatment/cure"
I simply don't subscribe to that attitude.
As for my taxes, It is my money, that my work earned and was seized from me with close to zero accountability.
Here we differ again. I believe it is your obligation, or your
duty (which is a term Americans seem to better appreciate) to pay taxes. There is accountability. That accountability is your right to vote for a party that promises to reduce taxes.
Also, I am not sure that history has shown profit as a motive to have negative outcomes.
Well, how about a few examples?
Pacific Gas & Electric Company's release of the carcenogen
hexavalent chromium into the Hinkley area? This was made famous by the Hollywood movie. Many people died or were made very ill, as the company valued their
profit over people.
The refusal of tobacco companys to accept that their product kills people, when we all know that this is the case
The examples of Enron, MCI etc where greed was so great as to cause the company to act illegally.
The attempts by many multi-national pharmaceutical companies to prevent "generic" anti-AIDS drugs from being manufactured in Africa, because it would negatively affect their bottom line.
And these are just off the top of my head. I am sure I can come up with an almost endless list of examples.
Using human greed as a motivating factor towards progress is not a solution. I'm not saying the market economy should be abolished. Far from it. But we should not rely upon it alone, for to do so is to doom ourselves to exploitation and financial rape at the hands of those who care only for "
the Mighty Dollar" and care not a whit for our health, safety and well-being.
It seems that this is quite obvious to you and absolutely foreign to me. If it is the case, I would like to learn more about this history and see if there are things I can learn from it.
You can start be reading the book
The Big Fix: How the Pharmaceutical Industry Rips Off American Consumers (
http://www.aflcio.org/aboutaflcio/ma...503_bigfix.cfm); researching the Anderson vs Pacific Gas & Electric (
http://www.lawbuzz.com/famous_trials...kovich_ch1.htm), reading about Enron (
http://search.barnesandnoble.com/boo...sbn=1586482017). I can provide more examples and links if you wish.
I'm not against an open economy. But I
am against using it as the only method of investing in the future. You're mistaken if you believe it is the right thing to do.
I don't mind the idea of Stem Cell research and think that in our layman's understanding of it, it could be promising. You are right that my objection is that I don't want to pay for almost anything and that I am not singling out this specificly.
Well, that's where you and I differ. :-)
I don't mind paying taxes. From a selfish point of view, and in an ideal world, I'd like them to be lower. But I would never deign to call for government funding of medical research to be abandoned because I'm willing to let a private company undertake it all.
Does it not occur to you that, if you were so unfortunate to have to use a cure "patented" by a private company, you may actually end up paying MORE than the miniscule amount of your taxes that go towards government grants?
One thing I wanted to know most of all in my previous post was if for you, there is an amount of money that is too much for a government to spend. I feel we have passed it and you seem to be advocating spending more.
No, not necessarily. I'm simply
not advocating spending less; or worse, spending none at all.
My question is: do you have a line and if so at what point is too much for a government to spend? If not, can a government spend infinitely?
A government cannot spend infinitely and no one suggested as much.
Mr Mephisto