My younger brother was in a car crash (it was actually a van, but whatever). The damn thing flipped over and did all sorts of crazy spins and the sort of things vans do when the careen out of control with a U-haul attached to the back. He said he when it happened, it was like slow motion the entire time. He also forgot a lot of what happened (perhaps a natural subconscious coping mechanism. Afterwards, he was surprisingly unshooken by what had happened. I on the other hand was falling apart having to see the wreckage and not knowing if my brother was ok or not). Some other folks in the van later told him that he was swearing at the top of his lungs, saying things like :"I must be in a F'ing dream!", but he had no memory of doing any swearing. As I said earlier, he was totally cool after it happened. Weird, huh?
So there's a second hand story about near death experiences. Happy?