Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
"I support the idea of police protecting me from crime. I just don't want to pay for it."
"I support the concept of a military. I just don't want to pay for it."
"I support the FDA testing and approving safe drugs. I just don't want to pay for it."
"I support... well, just about ANYTHING... I just don't want to pay for it."
There are many things I support, but won't pay for, and many things I support, and WILL pay for. A person's opinion on one subject is hardly a call to use that one example as a sweeping generalization of their opinions on all subjects. I think what we're talking about it supporting someone's rights to do something. I support the legalization of marijuana, but i'm not paying for people to toke up. I support gay marriage, but i'm not paying for any marriage ceremony- whether it's homosexual OR heterosexual. I support premarital sex, but i'm not going to pay for condoms or birth control for everyone.
People's opinions on whether or not they support something with their pocket and/or their heart don't necessarily have anything to do with one another, you can't always compare them side by side.
As to the topic directly- stem cell research is good. Some of you people with your unborn-baby bleeding hearts drive me nuts. There are so many incurable diseases afflicting hundreds of thousands of people, people who have lived full lives, could have more years ahead of them with treatment, or really just could live without pain. I wonder how many pro-lifers against stem cell research have ever volunteered in a cancer ward in a hospital, or at a nursing home and seen the how parkinson's, huntington's, diabetes, dementia, etc., ravage the people they affect and ruin their livelihood.
How selfish it is to look at a few "unborn babies" (if they insist on saying they're already people) and say they're more important than the hundreds of thousands of americans- and, indeed, people worldwide- SUFFERING life, rather than living it.