grinning monkey, smirking chimp, whatever. I'm not sure why i'm supposed to take anything this person has said with any serious consideration, especially since he basically just rants like a poor disaffected youth who realizes his country has forgotten about him, and also writes like a frantic idiot.
It's pretty bad when I, myself, fundamentally agree with the general sentiments hurled at the prez, etc., but I feel put off by his rant because of the way it's written, structured, whatever. I'm not even sure at all how Hunter S Thompson's words fit into that whole thing, except as a sound bite at the end because he lacks the ability to close his own arguments without copping out into a quote.
As far as Rummy's quote itself, it's a perfectly fine (IMO) observation of a newly free people. Yes, there will be anarchy, but also there will finally be some good. Taking that first sentence out of context to exploit it is just stupid, and perfectly transparent. You know, I hate the president too, but i'm not a douchebag writing for an internet news whatever that chimp thing is and trying to make a name for myself by writing my columns in bullshit nonsense.
Also: the Koran/toilet thing is a totally different event entirely, i'm not even sure how in the hell he ties the two together except to cloak an old rant (free people) inside a current news topic. Lame.
Originally Posted by host
Are we the society that can determine who needs to be "set free" ?
Outside of the extremeists, find me a person who thought their situation in Iraq was gumdrops and candy-canes before the "liberation". Practically no one. Even if they were content (which i'm sure few of them were), they certainly could only be happy for getting Sadam out of there. Who wants a person at the top of their country dictating how they live, what they watch on TV, what they hear on the radio, who they love... not me. Yeah, that was intentional.