Originally Posted by host
The irony that is the intention of all of the material and my own commentary, in the post, MRSD, is, "who are the free people doing bad things". I wanted a discussion on whether it is The US leaders and population, or the Iraqis.
Are we a violent, imperial society, corrupting our young, setting the example of leadership lying to, and misleadingh the press (the McClellan example) a belligerent, swaggering, in your face, leadership and citizenry?
Are we the society that can determine who needs to be "set free" ? What is it that ouir society, given the material that I posted. possesses, in the way we currently practice it, that is so noble, so truthful, so special, that we have the justification to spread it (impose it) on other sovereignties at the point of a gun?
Nobody is an absolute authority on who needs to be "set free," but I seriously doubt that any but a few extremists honestly believe that Iraq's people were free under Saddam. Even under his secular rule, morality and vice police, both secret and public, prowled the streets and were not above executing people who did not conform to their fundamentalist standards of decency. It is also a documented fact that in the past, Iraq's former government used chemical weapons against its own people and against US allies.
I agree with you that McClellan backed himself into a corner and proceeded to dig himself into a hold himself into a hole, and that he has severly damaged if not destroyed his credibility. I think you can agree with me that people from every side do bad things because they can. My reaction to your first post would have been more favorable if you had initially clarified your statement as you did in your response to me. It sounded like a typical bashing of the Bush administration rather than a legitimate complaint. Hopefully people will read at least the first few posts and see that clarification before replying.