Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
Once Saddam was overthrown, people were able to express political dissent, and some took it to extremes by attacking others. It's not such a sinister comment if you read it in full and aren't looking for the evil in everything he says.
The irony that is the intention of all of the material and my own commentary, in the post, MRSD, is, "who are the free people doing bad things". I wanted a discussion on whether it is The US leaders and population, or the Iraqis.
Are we a violent, imperial society, corrupting our young, setting the example of leadership lying to, and misleadingh the press (the McClellan example) a belligerent, swaggering, in your face, leadership and citizenry?
Are we the society that can determine who needs to be "set free" ? What is it that ouir society, given the material that I posted. possesses, in the way we currently practice it, that is so noble, so truthful, so special, that we have the justification to spread it (impose it) on other sovereignties at the point of a gun?