I liked how all the characters show up in the airport, some very subtley passing through the screen. That was neat.
I would have to say I liked the season finale. Yes, it left everything up in the air, but that's just what a good season finale should do. It gave us all something to come back for.
I like the freakiness around Walt. I like what they're doing with his character.
I dislike Rousseau, the French lady. I dislike all her lines and her acting ability. I dislike that they named her Rousseau.
I dislike that they went a whole season without Kate and Sun kissing. Damnation!
So I guess this is goodbye to this thread until the Fall. I hope to see you all back here when rumours of the Lost Season II premiere hit the airwaves...
I have faith in a few things - divinity and grace
But even when I'm on my knees I know the devil preys