Originally Posted by mrklixx
Dude, you've got some....Arnst on you. 

Hurley has a way with the one-liners, doesn't he?
I don't see anyone else for the pirates to be. They have to be the black smoke "them" the French lady kept talking about.
So, now I'm really confused. Were they always after Walt or will any baby boy do? Was Ethan of the "Them" like the pirates seem to be or was he just trying to get the French lady a new baby? Did the French lady kidnap Claire the second time, is that what the flashback meant?
I guess, I always assumed that Ethan was of the "Them" and that there were no ties between him and the French woman. I don't know why I assumed that...
I do think the wandering trio lost out at sea will eventually make they're way to the island, but it's going to take a while and the writers are certainly going to tease us with some sort of great peril. (I imagine it's going to be sharks because they did shoot Sawyer)