Originally Posted by raveneye
Well I was thinking of either a full diminished chord or a diminished triad, not a half-diminished (or minor 7 b5) chord.
When I asked the question the only songs I had in mind were George songs, Old Brown Shoe, I Want To Tell You, and Blue Jay Way. (My memory may be off with Old Brown Shoe.) It seems to me, off the top of my head, that George seemed to use diminished chords more than the others, at least early on. His songs usually seemed to have a darker more minor quality, and a diminished chord is three minor intervals piled on top of each other.
Damn good call, raveneye! I missed
Old Brown Shoe. The line in the bridge that goes "Who knows baby, you may comfort me," is under F# dim up until the G Major on the word "me."
Damn good call.