Originally Posted by Lead543
I don't mean to threadjack but I have a question.
Does anyone know if they throw out these frozen embryos after a certain length of time? I mean, wouldn't they change and break down?
They are destroyed when the couple requests it.
Very few couples are willing to let their fertilized eggs be implanted into someone else who cannot have a child, and I personaly do not blame them for that, as it is their genetic material to with as they see fit.
As most couples wait several years, and then request that all excess embryo's be destroyed, I find it hard to buy into the idea that using them for stem cells is destroying a human life.
In order to be consistent, those that are against the use of embryo's for stem cell research would have to percieve a problem with them being destroyed at the request of the couple as well, which raises a new ethical debate. "Should all fertilized embryo's that are not implanted be used?"
Which of course creates the larger debate, "Can Invetro Fertilization be done without excess embryo's"
Which begets the larger debate "Should IVF be allowed?"
See how fast this goes?