Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
In the Netherlands the herring is usually salted, not pickled, and you can get it just about everywhere.
Eating a salted herring out at Zandvoort is the litmus test my cousins and I all had to pass when we visited my uncle in order to prove we were Dutch. I was the only one who enjoyed it. Unfortunately, there's only one market I've found in OR that sells salted herring.
I wonder if what I had was salted, could be but I'm not sure since it didn't taste salty in the least, just very tender buttery smooth fresh herring, nothing on it but some chopped raw onion on the side. I had it almsot every day I was there but I like that kind of stuff.
Last night for a light dinner snack since I had a big lunch, I had a pickled herring fillet in cream at a good local deli, along with lettuce, tomatoe, onion, olives; as much as I like that, it's nothing like the herring in the Netherlands.