Hey, my dad won custody of my brother and I during the 1970's, a time when the mother had all of the legal cards.
Guess what? I ran away, got in trouble with the law, and was generally a fuck-up until my early teens. Single fathers aren't the be-all end-all.
I have friends who had two loving parents, and Guess what? They are as messed up as I am! A traditional "Nuclear Family" structure can also fail. I would argue that they are AS LIKELY TO produce a fuck-up, but alas, I have no statistics to make such a claim...
It is all about providing a disciplined and loving environment that teaches respect for others, respect of self, and emphasizes the child's place in society being valued but not critical.
Ladies and Gentlemen, can we persuade our governments, academics, and mass media to STOP FOCUSING on the bad, and instead promote and teach the GOOD?
Don't tell me how to fuck my kid up emotionally, spiritually and socially. My avoidance of those actions will not necessarily produce a productive member of society. Instead, teach me how to do something positive that will produce good outcomes.
"Don't spank your kid, or they will ______" <-- notice that this negative statement does not fill the void of the action removed?
"When necessary, give the kid a 'Time Out'" <-- this is something positive, and an alternative.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.