Originally Posted by Ustwo
If by fair and balanced you mean the left wing biased press getting to fabricate stories and spin the news in their direction without being challenged you would be correct.
Now they have to use things like facts and take accountability for what they say. My heart really bleeds for them.
Mind you, most of the media IS still biased to the left, but what is amazing is when they are challenged now, they fold like the proverbial house of cards. We won't take their lies and innuendo without challenging it, and if it doesn't hold up to scrutiny, why did they report it in the first place?
I am not sure what world you are living in but the discourse is increasingly (if not entirely) controlled by the right. The journalists on this end of the spectrum have made an art of getting their spin to be THE spin...
The biggest one of all is that the media has a Liberal bias.
I am all for challenging what the media has to say but all I see is right wing spin doctoring rather than journalistic integrity (i.e. questioning those in power rather than just being cheerleaders).