Piggybacking on M.Chalupa's post....
Originally Posted by Stompy
Ok, yeah... I just realized the amount of continuity errors.
There are a LOT of them. Too many of them that it's kinda disturbing ... and the old trilogy really doesn't link to the new one AT ALL.
Two that I can think of right away are:
"Your father wanted you to have this light saber" Obi Wan says this to Luke. That never happened. If it did, it was offscreen.
Well what was Obi Wan supposed to say, "Your dad tried to kill me but i cut his legs off and took this. Here maybe you will be able to put it to better use." Remember Luke doesn't know his dad from squat...so OB had to paint a pretty picture of his dad. Its like an orphan finding out their dad is Hitler, you just dont spring that on somebody.
Originally Posted by Stompy
"...seek Yoda, the Jedi master who trained me." Obi Wan says to Luke. Yoda didn't train him, that other guy did from EP 1. This is repeated often throughout ESB where Obi Wan refers to himself and his "training" with Yoda.
*Actually Yoda did train Ob-Wan...he trained him how to commune with the Force and the living Force..Remember at the end Yoda said that Qui Gon had spoken to him from the "netherworld"...Qui Gon trained Yoda on how to do this and Yoda trained Old Ben Kenobi.