Originally Posted by Sticky
They dined on venison medallions, toasted pecans and partridgeberry compote, tiède salad of spring turbot composed of local greens, persimmon, grapefruit and home-pickled onions, young cucumbers with coriander, followed by chocolate semi-freddo, mango terrine, Valhrona chocolate mousse and brandy snap.
This is the kind of stuff that I can stand.
It is one thing if they are spending their own money but wehn they are spending our money this type of spending is disgusting.
It is not like they were entertaining a head of state or similar. Why couldn't they just have franks and beans?
I don't know if anyone else heard it but the chef at 24 Sussex was on the CBC the other day... I can't remember why he was on but at one point he was asked about this very meal...
He said, that he got the call at 7:30 pm for a dinner at 8:30... He said he, more or less threw the dinner together with what they had in the freezer along with some greens he picked up on the way into work. Now that I look at the list more closely, it is fancy but not all THAT fancy. I could whip this up in my own kitchen for very little money (the only part that would be difficult would be the "chocolate semi-freddo" as I don't know what semi-freddo is...).