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Old 05-25-2005, 08:03 AM   #302 (permalink)
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Location: USS George Washington
Originally Posted by Stompy
Ok, yeah... I just realized the amount of continuity errors.

There are a LOT of them. Too many of them that it's kinda disturbing ... and the old trilogy really doesn't link to the new one AT ALL.
Well, I wouldn't say AT ALL. Maybe not as strong as we'd like it to. But the links are definitely there.

Two that I can think of right away are:

"Your father wanted you to have this light saber" Obi Wan says this to Luke. That never happened. If it did, it was offscreen.
True. A possible explanation could be that Obi-Wan would someday train Anakin's child (doesn't know it's a boy or girl, or twins yet) to defeat Palpatine and rebuild the Jedi Order. (He doesn't know Anakin survived the lava). Once he does discover that Vader is alive, he could have planned to train Luke to try to defeat him or bring him back from the Dark Side, which Anakin ultimately wanted ("I've got to save you." "You already have. You were right about me.") So by giving him the light saber, he sets that in motion. That's why something as simple as Obi-Wan picking up the light saber at the end of the duel in Ep. III is one of those things that DOES link the Trilogies. You know where that saber is going and what it's going to mean for the galaxy someday.

" Yoda, the Jedi master who trained me." Obi-Wan says to Luke. Yoda didn't train him, that other guy did from EP 1. This is repeated often throughout ESB where Obi Wan refers to himself and his "training" with Yoda.
Again, yes. But remember that at the end of Ep. III Yoda is going to go teach Obi-Wan the "come back from the dead trick". So even though Obi-Wan was not Yoda's Padawan, he did still receive SOME training from Yoda.

So what Ben told Luke was true... from a certain point of view.

You have to remember that when Lucas filmed Ep. IV, he had no idea it was going to be the sensation it was, and that the other 2 (and later, 5) other episodes were ever going to be filmed. The movie was designed to stand alone if it had to, but then become part of a trilogy and eventually a six-part series. So any continuity errors that are specifically in ANH are due to that fact.

And as far as the Wookiee planet battle, in the ROTJ commentary, Lucas makes reference that the battle that eventually took place on Endor was, in the first draft of his saga, SUPPOSED to be on the Wookiee homeworld, but he eventually changed the Wookiees to Ewoks. The reason was that he wanted the technologically advanced, modern Empire to be ultimately defeated by the Rebels only with the help of a very primitive race of tree-dwelling beings. But when it was pointed out that the Wookiees are in space, and use technology like we've seen Chewie do, it wouldn't work. Plus the Ewoks make nice merchandise for the kiddies. So when it was time for the big battle in Ep. III, he wanted to go back to do that big Wookiee battle he had originally envisioned. Although you're right, there's no reason it HAS to be Kashyyyk, and the battle is never really resolved. Though we can guess that the Wookiees eventually lost.

Quote: they pretty much created the new trilogy without even giving a single glance at what was said or done in the original? A lot of stuff DOES link up, but the more important stuff, the stuff you WILL see when you watch the original 3 after seeing the new trilogy, does NOT link up.. and it's quite disturbing.
Disturbing? They're MOVIES. I think you're being a bit harsh and overcritical. The three originals are the better stories, even though they aren't as flashy, well-produced, or have any better acting, but because WE grew up with them. So naturally we're going to look down on the new ones and try to find as many faults with them as possible. The faults are there, to be sure. But the new movies don't suck eggs like it seems to be "cool" to insist they do. There are plenty of people out there who just won't give them a fair shake because they aren't the originals.

I'm much happier with how many scenes in the new trilogy parallel scenes in the old. To me, those are the "links" I was looking for. The Dooku duel at the beginning is a major example of that. It's so very similar to the Luke/Vader duel in ROTJ but this time ends the way Palpatine intended, with the old apprentice being killed and replaced by the new one. It's what he's trying to do again but this time Luke doesn't give in and Vader ends up killing the Emperor. It's even more powerful after seeing ROTJ, because you realize that this time the Emperor got what he wanted. How is that not a link? How is that not giving a thought to the OT? Even the set was very similar.

That scene along with Dooku's scene with Obi-Wan in Ep. II are my two favorite scenes in the new Trilogy. Come to think of it, Dooku is my favorite prequel character. Not only is Christopher Lee one of the few who can actually act, but the character is very interesting. He's in on Palpatine's scheme, but not ALL the way in. He's merely holding Anakin's place as the Sith apprentice until Palpatine is ready to convert him. He is leading the Separatist Rebellion, even though he's REALLY just another pawn in Palpatine's plan to consolidate his rule as Emperor. He thinks the plan is to capture the Chancellor, then get captured by the Jedi himself, so they can pin the whole Separatist movement on General Grievous, then when the clones take him out and put down the Separatists he is there to help rule the galaxy. When he finds out too late what's really going on, the look on his face is priceless.

I really liked RoTS, and it's improving my view of the other two new movies. I think it is a fitting end to the saga.

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