Originally Posted by ObieX
1. The other types can come from the clump of cells in a zygote. this is the ball of cells that forms after an egg has been fertilized and has started to divide a bunch of times. The important thing to note here is these cells DO NOT HAVE A FUNCTION YET. The reason stem cells are so important is because they can change into any type of cell that exists in the human body. ANY CELL, from a skin cell to a brain cell.. a liver cell a lung cell.. a cell in an artery.. a vein.. a bone cell.. etc etc. Bu they have not done this yet. They are still a generic cell. So its not like you're killing a fetus, you're growing a small ball of generic, unspecified cells. You're not growing a fetus to like 5 months then killing it and shreading it for cells.
2. Now to get these cells you dont have to fertilize an egg. There's a process now that is used that extracts a person's DNA. They then take an egg from a woman, and remove the genetic material from the egg. This egg on its own can NOT form into a child, an egg from a woman or a sperm from a man only has half the genetic material needed to create a child. So they take the DNA from one of your cells and they put it into this now empty egg shell, and stimulate it to start to divide. When it starts to divide it becomes stems cells.. a ball of stem cells in the form of a zygote.
3. The MAIN problem i have with the people who oppose stem cell research is that they really don't know much or anything about it. They will openly admit that they have no clue on the subject yet they still object to it. Its like a deaf person telling someone they can't sing. It annoys me to no end.
1. It depends on your viewpoint about when life begins. If you feel, as many do, that life begins at conception, then there is no line to draw past that point.
2. That would be fine, IMO, from your description.
3. You may have a very low tolerance for other opinions?