I personally do not want another dime of my money going to the government for this. I'm also against embryonic stem cell research.
Any particular reason why you are against it? I heard someone on the radio the other day arguing that stem cell research involves "taking a life to save a life", which is for the most part completely false. Scientists can use adult stem cells, stem cells from umbilical cords, and stem cells from embyros in their research. However, the different types of stem cells do not all have the same potential to produce astounding results as embryonic stem cells. The reason being that stem cells from embryos have not yet differentiated or specialized and can be harvested and manipulated into whatever type of cell needed for therapy; whether it is bone, blood, neurons, etc. How some people can think that an embryo is a human life I'll never figure out. Sure it posesses the
potential to become a person but not without my sperm, millions of them victims of mass genocide every day

I have seen the benefits of stem cell therapy as it prolonged my girlfriend's aunt's life for many months before her death from cancer, and that was when the treatment itself was in experimental stages. Who knows how far the benefits will go with further research?