Originally Posted by martinguerre
Ummm. Wow. As a civilian who votes for the government that is in charge of that military, i find that highly disturbing.
Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
...I'm quite confident that you will find the Army cannot, let alone SHOULD NOT, lie to relatives about their loved one's death.
If it's deemed "classified", they can say whatever they like "in the interest of national security". They can deem whatever they like as "classified". I'm not sure why this comes off as a leap of logic. Not a conspiracy theory, just my observations. You're thinking of the common G.I. Joe and G.I. Jane. I'm thinking of the big picture, all parts of the armed services. In reality, it probably happens more often than we would even bother to guess. You think the families of people on covert, confidential missions are told the truth when the body returns- or doesn't return- from wherever it was? Not a chance. If it's in the interest of the military, it shall be done.