Heh, I added the very sexy to the title to get ppl to come read this (Don't leave, the ad truly is very sexy..)
I was watching TV the other day, and I saw this Carls Jr. advertisement on TV with Paris Hilton in i. If you don't know what Carls Jr. is, it is a fast food place that is popular for its popularization of the cheap yet large restaraunt-like burgers.
Usually, Carls Jr. ads are somewhat sexually oriented in nature. The two I recall are described below:
1) In Carls Jr.'s previous line of ads, it was all about the burger being messy. Sometimes I believe there was a guy eating (usually ruggedly handsome, you know, the one with a beard that actually makes him look good, unlike mine). The one I specifically remeber was this gorgeous woman (redhead I think), wearing semi-formal work attire (white shirt, grey/black skirt), who while eating, drops a single drop of ketchup on her shirt. Not a full turn-on, but definitely easy on the eyes.
2) This is from the more current line of ads. A hot woman rides one of those mechanical bulls (in jeans, tanktop). Her hair is flying around, I believe (or she might have been wearing a cowboy hat). And as she rides the bull, she bites into a burger at the end of the ad.
Clearly, there are sexual overtones to both this ads. I found the first one more memorable (and possibly more of a turn on), probably because I don't need to have the sexuality of a situation beaten into my head with a big stick.
Now, to the present ad, starring Paris Hilton. I could describe it, but I think you're better of looking at it yourself. I'm not sure if it is SFW, so be warned. Some people choose to qualify it as soft-core porn (but it is on National TV). It has been airing during many of the season finales airing during sweeps (That would be last week and this week, I believe).
*Possibly NSFW (Ye who enter here may be lost forever
Carl's Jr Homepage and TV ad
More Explicit Version of Ad
Here's a link to a story on the ad on CNN. It talks about how the Parents Television Council and other TV watchdog organizations are protesting the Ad as softcore porn (but they're not taking any major actions such as appealing to the FCC, or boycotting Carls Jr.) Carls Jr.'s position is that they are not apologizing for the ad, as there are no sexual acts or any kind of nudity in
the ad (Which is BS. If that isn't completely sexual, I'll eat my shoes)
News Story
What do you guys think of the ad? I'm a college guy, so my views on sexual issues can be quite open-minded. However, this ad made me atleast pause and think about whether it was appropriate. I personally decided that it was okay because anyone who could understand the sexual overtones was already old enough to know about sex, so it probably doesnt matter.
Comments on any issue: ranging from a serious discussion on whether such ads are acceptable, to ridiculing comments on my taste