Allright, and now for the news update on what's up with what.
The Good News, Anyone who actually switched to Cingular is on the best end of the stick.
The Bad News....
If you haven't switched over by June 1st your gonna be screwed in every which way. They are changing the plans available...and unless you want a family's gonna suck. Also, They are gonna be reducing the discount on the phones. Plus for all the peoiple who are still using the att wireless plans and phones, you won't be able to change your plan at all unless it is to a cingular plan. Even if you want to togo from a 29.99 local to a 19.99 local, you won't be able to.
Now here are some ways you can cheat the system.
1. Don't ask for a supervisor, they are pencil pushers who make sure we take our breaks on time. What you want to do instead is say "Okay, then I want to cancel, send me to your cancelations dept.
What the cancellation department is: It's actually called our Save team. They make all the good offers to people to retain them as customers. This is for phones only though. Plans remain standard.
If your trying to get credit for an invoice, good luck. Cingular will credit half if it;'s due to minformation, and only if you haven't received a credit in the last year. The only way they will credit the full amount is if it is a clear error on the part of the company, ie: they put you on the wrong rate plan with the last 60 days.
Cingular is a hard company, and they are very black and white.
So, if anyone using At&T wireless Digital or TDMA wants to get a really nice credit on their account, let me know by then end of this week. This is my olast week here, and I am giving the company a wonderful farewell by giving as many customers as possible what they want.