Originally Posted by irseg
Cingular screwed up my billing as a result of that merger. I found this out because my mom got numerous calls from a collection agency looking for me. Which was odd considering I never gave Cingular her number, and hadn't lived there in 2 years when I got the phone.
I called them up and said "If I owe money, why is my bill showing as paid in full? And it's not like Cingular doesn't have my cell number to contact me, so what gives?" The guy explained that they were getting tons of similar calls, and that my billing info got messed up as the result of the merger. I looked through my records and sure enough I didn't get billed for a month, even though the amount never showed up on subsequent bills. I paid up, and the guy had the nerve to say "Thanks, because of your cooperation we'll keep this off your credit record." Gee thanks for not damaging my credit over your mistake! Morons.
The Real Reason that happened. Att and Cingular were using different billing systems and they did not merge the systems. so if you switched the old system has you set to cancelled, and then your left with a balance that shopws up repeteadly on a different set of invoices. It's messed up...but technically you would owe the money. needles to say, your problem would not have happened if they merged a little smarter.