Originally Posted by Astrocloud
My own take on this is that women generally are very non-committal. This whole "regret" issue is a smokescreen method of detatching themselves from their behavior. I believe that these women generally think that they are 'too good' for the men that they sleep with -and that the only time that they won't regret it is if their partner is some famous athlete or a movie star or something.
If that's truly what you believe then you obviously don't know a lot about women. Sorry, but that's the truth.
Most women are incapable of separating emotion and sex. One night stands that aren't the result of too much alcohol are usually done not because a woman wants sex but because she wants to feel validated--these kinds of one night stands usually happen following a break-up. A woman wants to know after she's been dumped that she's still attractive and still working her mojo--that validation is an emotional reason to have sex whether she realizes it or not, and being unable to seperate the two often leads to regret the next morning. It's not about the man or being "too good" for him. It's about the behavior. The man has very little, if anything at all, to do with it--he was just a convenient means to an end. A hollow end, but an end nonetheless. I think the majority of women would regret a one night stand regardless of who their partner was--be it Orlando Bloom or Colin Farrell or whatever, simply because of the circumstances it took place in.
Perhaps, if a woman can go into a one night stand with the attitude of being there to enjoy the sex, then she might not regret it. But the fact remains that most women regret most one night stands
and it has nothing to do with the partner they chose.