upon further research. levels have not been that high for some time. 120,000 is a safer estimate, but i'll split the difference with you. let's say 140k.
Now, lets say that we compare apples to applelikeobjects (I assume this is the manipulation used to produce the 80 number, but i have no way of knowing this, since you did not show how that number is produced). Total homocides to total KIAs. Firearm deaths are deceieving because tons of our troops are getting blown up by IEDs. Doesn't happen much in DC, no matter how hoody you think the town is.
1644 (current deaths) / 140,000 (# of troops) is set equal to x over 100,000
Solve for x, and you get 1174. That's not 60. It's not even close. And that calculation is the deaths per 100,000 ratio. That's for two years, so divide by two if you want the annual rate. The first year will be a bit under 500 per 100,000, and the second year will be over 500.
Making light of the danger our troops face is not supporting them.
For God so loved creation, that God sent God's only Son that whosoever believed should not perish, but have everlasting life.
-John 3:16
Last edited by martinguerre; 05-24-2005 at 08:09 AM..