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Old 05-24-2005, 02:31 AM   #14 (permalink)
Location: whOregon
I'm a cop and i do this sometimes. Generally it could be for any number of reasons.

As stated, stealth -- to catch something occuring in the act.

Sometimes its a call that isn't necessarily a get there right damn now sort of thing, but is still a priority, or it could escalate. I'll light up to get past intersections here and there but then otherwise still travel at speed of other motorists.

Sometimes its a cancelation.. i hate these... nothing looks more embarassing than flying through traffic all lit up on the way to an alarm or something, geting recalled and have to shut down. People are always like, wtf.

Sometimes its an attempt to overtake a vehicle i want to observe driving on. for instance if i see a car make a bad pass or do something stupid i might turn on them and light up a few cars between me and them so i can follow them for a bit to see if they might be intoxicated or driving like a dumbass, but i dont necessarily want to pull them over for whatever it was i observed. If i see more driving that concers me, then i'll stop them, otherwise i'll consider it a momentary lapse of judgement and not bother with a stop.

Sometimes i'll shut down out on the highway until i get to vehicles i need to get around because many people drive like fricken retards when they see red and blues. i cant count the number of times ive seen people do stupid shit like lock up their brakes and just stop dead in the lane of travel. Or sometimes they will pull over and the car behind them doesnt stop and instead tries to go around them, then sees me, and nearly side swipes them trying to pull over. Some drivers just do stupid stuff when they see an emergency vehicle approaching, so sometimes its just easier to not be lit up.

Some districts indeed do discourage use of sirens because of public opinion. They dont want their citys to be considered "high crime" because people can hear sirens racing back and forth at all times of the day and night. Most of these are unwritten policies because technically most state laws specifically define emergency motor vehicle travel and usually it explicitly states that both audible AND visible signals must be used together, with an exception for times at which the use of such devices would compromise the ability to aprehend a suspect or detract from the investigation of the crime.

As far as what was stated above about being required to use warning devices whenever traveling above speed limit, etc... thats certainly state specific. In most states, officers are relieved from following traffic laws in the performance of their duty in a manner that does not compromise safety -- doesn't say anything about mandated warning signals. most department polices do tho...

As for the cop not signaling their turn. I'm so guilty of this when my shift changes. For 6 months of the year i get stuck on nights and cruise around at night most of the time through residential areas looking for people burglarizing shit and i never use my turn signal because theres never anyone around to see it. Get changed back to day shift, and it takes awhile to start remembering it all the time again heh. Sure i should be setting the example and using it, but then again, i've never actually cited anyone solely for not signaling, so i consider it a draw ;p

To those that think its just cops abusing their power: I'm sure that there are some cops who do, but i would venture a guess they are in the minority. I personally dont mind at all waiting at lights. It gives me an opportunity to watch people. I can get good looks and see who is out and about, alot of times i recognize suspended drivers / people with warrants while stopped at lights watching, where if i was moving i would have probably missed it. Not to mention sitting at most lights, especially if im a car or two back will generally provide me with a wealth of vehicles which i could stop because they just blew the light right in front of me ;p

Also, as to cops generally moving faster than the flow of traffic: Alot of times i will speed up to keep a gap between me and the people behind me. This is so that if i spot an infraction or have some reason to turn and burn on something going the opposite direction there is enough of a buffer between me and the traffic behind me, so i can execute my turn without causing a sudden stop to the people behind me, or worse yet having to pull over, wait for people behind me to pass, then make a turn and have to travel at a prolonged high rate of speed to overtake the vehicle going the opposite direction becuase it took me so long to get turned around.
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